Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Love Story Begins

16th July 2011

Is the first time she was introduced by a friend of mine during a PARTY session.

17th July 2011

Without hesitation, i added her in a social network "Facebook"

21st July 2011

It was my first time chatting with her in Facebook. That made my day.

25th July 2011

The first time we have a date and get more understanding on each other.

30th July 2011

Another proper date with a visit to Pavillion Shopping Center. And without any hesitation, i was asked for being my girlfriend, anyhow i didn't managed to achieve but give up never do on me.

4th August 2011

Today is a big day for us both. She agreed to be my girlfriend. I was refill with full of joy for the whole week.

20th of August 2011

Is the first time she have dinner with my family. I remembered the virgin smile from my father face when I was introducing her as my girlfriend toward my Father. It was the smile I have never seen before. I was happy and we had a great dinner.

25th of August 2011

She is the first girlfriend that pissed on me because of a single mistake that I had made. The first thing came to my mind was, I am going to cool her down no matter how long it takes.

I was proud that I met her in my life even just a one and half month included knowing and get in relationship. Questions would keep approaching me with the decision that we had made a month ago. Maybe it is blind love as what we always called. Anyhow, afford and appreciation would lead us toward the bright road. One month anniversary is at the corner, hope she love the present.

Monday, July 25, 2011


"Limitation Is Just A Guideline, Never Say Never"

After a long long period, i am back to blogging again.
It might lasting for a long period, or it might the only post.
Lot of things has been changed since i came back from UK.

"Thought, Mindset, Attitude, Ambition"

It works like a circle, surrounding changed you and you changed the surrounding.
A great starting in my career has brought me much more new things.

"Stranger, Friendship, Relative, Relationship"

Effort and Diligent are the most essential dishes
And these combination make miracles.

"Status, Reputation, Respectable, Prestige"

Nothing is free for charge in life
Life is all about bargaining and it's utilize something

"Time, Money, Energy, Mental"

Starting point wasn't that important anymore
Everything is about

"Aim, Target, Destination, Appetence"

Be prepared, be awareness, be confidence
Troubles would comes unstoppable

"Never say Never"


Monday, March 7, 2011


By all the time i walked into a book store, self improvement session would be my first destination. This kind of book always enlighten me and lead me to a very basic starting in term of what i should do on next.

"Most Important Things You Need to Know Before Graduate"

In fact, i should start reading it before i was graduated, but good thing comes to me late better than never comes to me. These are some excellent sentences that i obtained from this book. I would say there are very useful for everyone.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"
It's only applicable for those arrogant friend***


"Be careful of your actions because they become your habits and your habits become your character. Remember, your character determines your destiny"


"Bad habits are like a comfortable bed easy to get into, but hard to get out of"


"You only get one chance to make a bad first impression"


"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel"


"Why not put in a little extra effort and make a good one?"


"Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down"


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The First Interview In My Life

28 Febraury 2011
The conversation between me and my friend
Me: Lun, did you called me just now? This one it is your home number?
Lun: Nope i never.
Me: Emm wonder it is the calls from applied company.

01 March 2011
A call in the morning (9.30am)
Opponent: Hello, may i speck to Chan Chow Hwang?
Me: Yes i am specking (blur-ing!!!)
Opponent: I am calling from O.Y.L Manufacturing SDN BHD. You have applied a job in our company which is a product engineer.
Me: Yeah i did.
Opponent: Could you attend the interview by tomorrow 3 in the afternoon?
Me: Yes i could attend.

Yes, that's the conversation between me and the HR senior executive

02 March 2011
I was been there one hour earlier to avoid unexpected causes because there always traffic jammed in that area. I passed through the security gate from the front gate by getting pass from them. I been talked to the receptionist for more than half an hour. Just realized i have to fill up a application form before meeting up with the interviewers. Thats the best thing in my life because i have extra half an hour to complete the form before time. Ding Dong, here it comes 3 in the afternoon, the receptionist asked me to wait at the visitor room and she will bring them (interviewers) to me.

I have been interviewed for more than 1 hour by three interviewers. OMG, i was like extremely tired after that interview. To be frank, that wasn't perfect during the interview as in i missed out a lot opportunity to show my abilities to them. But still alright because they asking for second interview to meet up with their company CEO and GM. OK, i admit it, thats really freak me up!!!! Anyway, i will try my best. Hope everything would be alright for me in the next interview.

Good Luck Man!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cousin's Wedding

I used to be a person afraid of marriage because of the important huge event that all about you and your future partner. However, lots of knowledges and experiences are gained day by day. It leads me to a stage where i could handle these kind of stress and pressure. I think this is what we human called as growing.

On the date of 23th June 2009, one of the sweet couple in this world which is my cousin and his wife were registered as husband and wife according to marriage's law. And here we go, they had became one of the officially husband and wife.

On the date of 19th February 2011, a marriage event was held to inform everyone they knows that they are no longer available to any single person. Here we goes to some pictures.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I am BACK!


I am back for blogging!

There always a reason for anyone planning or starting an action. The main reason for my back when i am too boring at home facing at this lousy laptop. Thinking of doing extra stuff other than facebook-ing and listening to songs. Haven't decide what to talk about in this blog again. Might get your attention and it might not, stay turn everyone. And welcome myself back to this blog.

Cheers Mate