Monday, July 25, 2011


"Limitation Is Just A Guideline, Never Say Never"

After a long long period, i am back to blogging again.
It might lasting for a long period, or it might the only post.
Lot of things has been changed since i came back from UK.

"Thought, Mindset, Attitude, Ambition"

It works like a circle, surrounding changed you and you changed the surrounding.
A great starting in my career has brought me much more new things.

"Stranger, Friendship, Relative, Relationship"

Effort and Diligent are the most essential dishes
And these combination make miracles.

"Status, Reputation, Respectable, Prestige"

Nothing is free for charge in life
Life is all about bargaining and it's utilize something

"Time, Money, Energy, Mental"

Starting point wasn't that important anymore
Everything is about

"Aim, Target, Destination, Appetence"

Be prepared, be awareness, be confidence
Troubles would comes unstoppable

"Never say Never"
