Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1+0+0 = 100

"Time doesn't prove our love, we did proved our love. This blog is about a couple having their own life during a long distance relationship. We both have feelings for each other but we are forced by circumstance to live apart. However, it isn't the ending of our relationship. In other way, it is another new starts for us to know each other deeply. Little boy a guy with a heart of strongly believe in long distance relationship. Little girl a girl who lose confident easily but yet trying her best to keep this relationship warm willingly."

I do really believe we could spend this hard time and proved our love. And i weren't doubt myself about my decision to get together in the beginning. The reality burden and pressure were beat me up and forced me to break my own promised and commitment. But i was realised that sometimes a decision may make myself feel better in a very short period, or maybe a few month but end up regreting for the decision. And end up everything is too late and only loneliness left beside me. I deserved to get all these consequences. Nomatter what, i always hope u live better than anyone else beoz u deserved to get it.

Today is the first 100days we broke up with each other but the happiness time with you always keep inside the deepest of my heart.^^

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