Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NeW SeMesTeR

Initially i thought this semester would be more relaxing than the previous semester. This thought comes to my mind because i have only two weeks classes to attend for my whole semester. Addition, the two weeks drop before and after the week of chinese new year. What a great news for us as a chinese international student. Sometimes i realised that festival really important date of us. It's mean something important about our culture and religion. Really missed the moment spending with my family and friends when i was at malaysia. The word "Appreciate" is a very common and well-known word for everyone. But most of them include myself always placed this word in a wrong situation and wrong person. For the passing year of 2009, i had discovered the true meaning of this word. Appreciate is a term to "interpret your feeling" on the person that to be grateful or thankful in your life. The meaning of interpret your feeling is showing your grateful or thankful words to your lovely one. As "action is always louder than words". This year i hope i would discovered the true meaning of another word.

Today, i been working so hard with my only groupmate Kang Han in Chemical Engineering Department's experiment lab. We had spent a week in the experiment lab for taking samples. At last, today is our big day to test on the samples which have a total of 120 samples. God bless us, the results are quite reasonable. At last this experiment gave us a little feedback of our afford.

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