Sunday, April 4, 2010



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1+0+0 = 100

"Time doesn't prove our love, we did proved our love. This blog is about a couple having their own life during a long distance relationship. We both have feelings for each other but we are forced by circumstance to live apart. However, it isn't the ending of our relationship. In other way, it is another new starts for us to know each other deeply. Little boy a guy with a heart of strongly believe in long distance relationship. Little girl a girl who lose confident easily but yet trying her best to keep this relationship warm willingly."

I do really believe we could spend this hard time and proved our love. And i weren't doubt myself about my decision to get together in the beginning. The reality burden and pressure were beat me up and forced me to break my own promised and commitment. But i was realised that sometimes a decision may make myself feel better in a very short period, or maybe a few month but end up regreting for the decision. And end up everything is too late and only loneliness left beside me. I deserved to get all these consequences. Nomatter what, i always hope u live better than anyone else beoz u deserved to get it.

Today is the first 100days we broke up with each other but the happiness time with you always keep inside the deepest of my heart.^^

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Recently i been really stressed out. There are lots of stuff are waiting me to solve, to settle, to plan and to do. Sometimes really thought of giving up and run away from here. BUT the cruel of reality has brought me all the way from my dream back to NOW. Some crazy thought always ran through my insane mind, if i didn't took this F**king course, i might be having my paradise now. Hope someone mind spare his or her little time for me to destress me.

1. My assignment with 50% out of 10 credits hand in on this coming friday. Lucky i m done.
2. Plan a two weeks europe trip for my family and relative. This really stressed me out bcoz this time the plan is organize just by myself. I hope i will complete it with a good plan.
3. Final year report!!! Haven't started a single word for that. And added up with two scary presentation on end of April.
4. Examination with 6 papers on second week of May. Really hope i have enough time to study all these shit!!!!
5. Apply job!! have no idea yet!!

p/s to my parents: I swear to whatever it blessing me, i will really really put my 100% efford and try my best to complete all these tasks. Nomatter what the results, PLEASE forgive me.HAHA


Sunday, February 28, 2010







Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Special 2010 Chinese New Year

In my every year, everyone do have a birthday, including me as well. Behave on most of the people, birthday represent an event for our born to the earth. Similarly, it is the biggest day for each everyone in different day respectively. Anyhow, birthday do not meant more than Lunar year (Chinese New Year) for me myself. The happiness, entertainment, sharing, caring, friendship, and enjoyment between family, friends, relative or even strangers. It is far more memorable and unforgettable.

This is Chinese New Year are not excluded too. We had a great day. Below are some of the enjoyment photos.

me myself..^.^

Padthai workers


Monday, February 8, 2010


Happy Birthday to my dearest friend sarah cheng.

February 9th 2010 is her 22nd birthday in her life.

I am here wish her have a lovely and happy birthday.

Last pretty, charming, kind and helpful.

Her presence has brighten up my life, it's unforgotten

No matter what, she always the best among my girlfriend.

And, of course she is the best friend as well.

At last, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2010 Chinese New year

Chinese New Year 2010

The first impression of chinese new year came to my mind is the happy hour i spent when i was a kid. That time, my grandparents are still alive and living happily in their house at KL. My grandmother passed away last two years and my grandfather passed away around 10 years ago. When i was kid, roughly around 6-10 years old, our family visited grandparents once in month. My siblings and i always felt very irritating to wake up in the sunday early morning to have breakfast with grandparents. Indeed, it is quite irritating but that the happy moment i appreciated so much. We spent an hour for breakfast, and went shopping with my grandparents. Guess what groceries my grandfather loves to buy? Ais-Cream. Of course not for him, apparently is for us, his grandson and granddaughter. I miss you grandfather and grandmother.

The day before chinese new year, "nia san shi wan", everyone including dad's brothers and sisters, and of course their wives and husbands would gathered at my grandparents house. Normally there are two groups of people, one groups are formed by "old man" and the other group are us "cousin". The feelings of that moment i could still strongly remembered in my heart.

During Chinese New Year, "chu yi", before started our journey to grandparents house. Siblings and I would greeted our parents happy chinese new year to get our first "ang pou". All relative reached grandparents house in the early morning with redy attires and "ang pou". Crowded and messed environment made warmed and loved atmosphere.

2010 year of Chinese New Year is the second year i spent chinese new year without the presence of my family. But i will still greet them to have a prosperous and happy 2010 chinese new year. It's remind me, i have been two years not received any "ang pou"!!!

Anyway, I am here wish everyone have a prosperous and happy 2010 chinese new year. May all the wishes come true.

Saturday, January 30, 2010





Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NeW SeMesTeR

Initially i thought this semester would be more relaxing than the previous semester. This thought comes to my mind because i have only two weeks classes to attend for my whole semester. Addition, the two weeks drop before and after the week of chinese new year. What a great news for us as a chinese international student. Sometimes i realised that festival really important date of us. It's mean something important about our culture and religion. Really missed the moment spending with my family and friends when i was at malaysia. The word "Appreciate" is a very common and well-known word for everyone. But most of them include myself always placed this word in a wrong situation and wrong person. For the passing year of 2009, i had discovered the true meaning of this word. Appreciate is a term to "interpret your feeling" on the person that to be grateful or thankful in your life. The meaning of interpret your feeling is showing your grateful or thankful words to your lovely one. As "action is always louder than words". This year i hope i would discovered the true meaning of another word.

Today, i been working so hard with my only groupmate Kang Han in Chemical Engineering Department's experiment lab. We had spent a week in the experiment lab for taking samples. At last, today is our big day to test on the samples which have a total of 120 samples. God bless us, the results are quite reasonable. At last this experiment gave us a little feedback of our afford.

Monday, January 25, 2010

2010 January 26th

For me, memories are the most precious incident in my life. I guess it would be the most important thing to everyone as well. It's make myself growed up, learned from mistake, absorbed experience, upgraded myself and more. The main reason for this blog is for myself to recall all my forgotten memories in the coming future. Since i have a bad memorising brain. Otherwise, my wonderful memories would be just flowed out from my brain.

Besides that, attractive picture taken by myself would be posted here for beautification. I guess my busy day would started on today.